Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Battling with PMT & HRT while trying to remain postive, calm & stress free...Grrrrrrr

Right, so yesterday I decided, despite the rumblings of PMT, that i was going to try and remain positive, stress free and calm for this round of IVF.

As it's my second cycle, I am feeling more relaxed about things...well some things!
I know what to expect in terms of treatment, i am not keen on the idea of HRT for 20 days...but it's a means to an end.

This time, rather than terror, i am quite looking forward to the injection part of the treatment.

As for the egg collection, fertilisation report & hopefully transfer, I am terrified.
Last time I was blissfully ignorant, i thought it was gonna work. This time, I know how much can go wrong...

Anyway, back to the positive mental attitude that I am striving for...

I can feel my body gearing itself up for a period....however the HRT that I'm taking is saying 'NO' to a period....no release for me then.

I woke up after several mad dreams,I get up and decide that as I've been paid, that I should pay my bills. The fuckin internet banking isn't working. ( you see, despite trying to be +ive, I'm already growling)

Next as it's such a beautiful morning, I decide to go check & water all my seedlings that I am growing for my allotment. As I wander over I can see that my lettuces are looking strangely limp. As I get closer I smell the unmistakeable smell of cats piss...grrrrrrr

Yoda (my persian cat)....you little shit!!!!!

Shiva (my domestic tabby moggy) has an area of the yard that she uses for a litter. She always goes in the same place, I clean it out, everyones happy.

But Yoda....well Yoda will perch/straddle plants pots just so he can piss in areas I don't want him pissing. Great.
I bet no one will be surprised to learn that Shiva is a lady cat..and Yoda's a bloke...enough said?!!!

I throw damaged lettuce away and repot the survivors that had missed the toxic spray.

Time for some lunch...Oh wouldn't you know, update my twitter account & come back to realise I have burnt my lunch...


How on earth am I supposed to stay calm & stress free for this cycle of ivf? I know I am over reacting, something tiny almost pushing me over the edge but I am pre menstrual, and the world always hates me when I'm premenstrual. Normally I feel better with the first sign of blood...This time I have 19 more days of HRT before I can expect a bleed...Nooooooooooo

I could weep. But, because I am trying to remain positive, calm and stress free...I WILL NOT WEEP.

Thank God I am off to see my homeopath/acupuncturist today at 3 this afternoon, she always sorts me out, then hopefully the calm, positive me will be restored!!

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